Our global convenings bring together a wide range of stakeholders with the goal of mainstreaming new ideas and igniting collaboration.
At CFI, we recognize that achieving our mission of advancing inclusive financial systems for low-income people requires collaborating with all industry stakeholders. Our global convenings — Financial Inclusion Week (FIW) and Responsible Finance Forum (RFF) — bring together inclusive finance experts to share perspectives, learn from one another, and collectively work to build inclusive and responsible solutions.
Charting the future of inclusive finance
Financial Inclusion Week
Financial Inclusion Week (FIW) is the leading industry event on inclusive finance. Hosted annually by the Center for Financial Inclusion (CFI), FIW brings together leaders from around the world to exchange ideas, share research, and offer perspectives to inform the future of inclusive finance.
dive deeper
The sessions at Financial Inclusion Week inform the future of inclusive finance.
Each year, FIW brings together 350+ speakers to share ideas on cutting-edge topics of inclusive finance. Browse the wealth of content from past events.

A Global coalition to protect Financial consumers
Responsible Finance Forum
The Responsible Finance Forum (RFF) is a coalition of global stakeholders working to assess and manage rapidly evolving consumer risks faced by financial systems and low-income people. The global convening platform provides a forward-thinking space to share research on consumer risks, emerging best practices and solutions to address these risks, and initiatives to responsibly scale inclusive financial services. CFI has been the global convenor of RFF since 2022.